Categories: Brassicas, Cauliflower
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This variety has the best eating qualities of all the kales. The textured, ruffled leaves develop a striking contrasting white centre as they mature and have a very sweet flavour and have the crispest texture. The very ruffled leaves give great bag-fill. This variety is also suitable for multiple cuts.PRODUCT SHEET
Coloured Kale – Emerald Ice TZ 9332
TZ 0357 is the earliest of the three Kalettes® varieties, maturing from October. This variety has superb vigour and produces high yields of Kalettes® which are exceptionally easy to harvest. Remaining in good condition until at least the end of November, this variety develops a great sweet and nutty flavour as the season progresses. Approximately 180 days to maturityPRODUCT SHEETAutumn Star F1
Kalettes® are a brand new vegetable; a small, green and purple sprout with curly leaves. The Kalette® is a cross between two real 'Superfoods', Brussels sprouts and British kale resulting in a vegetable with a sweet and nutty flavour. More information can be found on the official Kalettes® website here: Approximately 180-300 days to maturityPRODUCT SHEETGarden Mix
This outstanding winter hardy variety produces uniform, erect plants. They mature from the end of January to start of March depending upon the sowing date and location. The stems are easy to pick with excellent colour and medium to large heads with 8-15cm stem diameter. It is generally best for one main pick with a follow-up secondary pick after 10…PRODUCT SHEETRed Fire F1