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Se requieren las cookies necesarias para habilitar las funciones básicas de este sitio, como proporcionar un inicio de sesión seguro o ajustar sus preferencias de consentimiento. Estas cookies no almacenan ningún dato de identificación personal.
This is an attractive and versatile red salad onion variety. It has a mild flavour, crisp texture and peels easily. Apache has been developed with a vibrant colour to satisfy the market demand for a red salad onion. It is ideal for spring, summer and autumn production.
Marksman has upright dark green foliage, excellent taste and peels very well. It is suitable for the spring/summer cropping period. But also ideal for autumn crops when disease can be a particular problem. Its vigorous root system helps to maintain the strong, upright leaves. It is a very distinct and innovative salad onion from the Tozer Seeds breeding programme.
A variety developed for the second early and main season growing period. The dark green foliage, erect leaf habit and excellent leaf uniformity make this an ideal pre-pack variety. Shank length and quality is characterised by smooth skin and compact finish with excellent weight potential. Lancaster is an excellent winter hardy variety with good bolting tolerance.
This hybrid variety is an improved Lancaster type. It has similar vigor but tighter leaf stacking and it is more erect. Suitable for the main and late season growing period.