Tozer Seed's latest carrot root fly resistant variety. A Nantes hybrid with long, well coloured and smooth roots.PRODUCT SHEET
Resistafly F1
Albion has a very white skin finish which is noticeably slower to discolour. Roots are an obovate root shape which taper nicely, filling well down the root length. This makes it suitable for retail trade and it is also popular for processing. Produces heavy weight yields and is suitable for early/main season sowing with lifting from autumn to mid-winter.PRODUCT SHEET
Albion F1
Presents a refined regular obovate root shape with white skin and strong resistance to root canker. Very early bulking and is ideal for lifting through to late autumn. . . .PRODUCT SHEET
Gladiator F1
A main season, high yielding parsnip with a smooth white skin which has good resistance to canker. The variety has an improved slender shape and holds it weight nicely down the root. Also, works well for storage and can hold its white colorPRODUCT SHEET
Sabre F1
Consistent, reliable, flexible and very well proven, Javelin is the most successful commercial F1 hybrid parsnip available. Javelin produces a slender wedge shaped root-ideal for pre-pack market. Shallow crowns make for easy cleaning. Can be sown throughout the sowing year and its tremendous field holding capacity and excellent canker resistance means it can be cropped almost continually from July to…PRODUCT SHEET
Javelin F1
Viking is an early maturing line with vigorous foliage. Its long roots are slender wedge shaped that are well filled. The root holds its weight down the root resulting in higher yield and a more consistent product for roasting.PRODUCT SHEET
Viking F1
Parsnip Warrior produces an attractive white root that carries its weight well down the length of the root. It is very early bulking with vigorous foliage. Warrior has shown strong tolerance to root canker and is ideal for lifting through to late winter.PRODUCT SHEET
Warrior F1
Very white, smooth skin, bulks rapidly in the spring from an early sowing. Root shape is obovate. Best lifted in the early summer months, later sowings will hold into the autumn but growing period to harvest suitability is always short. Will continue to grow past the ideal size and can produce enormous roots if allowed to grow on.PRODUCT SHEET
White Spear
Striking purple skinned radish variety that contrasts very well with the crisp white flesh. Slow to go pithy, good shape, strong tops and mild flavour.PRODUCT SHEET