We have been breeding lettuce for over 50 years and were among the first to introduce mildew resistance. This work has led to the introduction of internationally grown baby leaf varieties such as Ashbrook and Osterley.
A light green, very upright, well textured frilly oakleaf variety. Leaves are thick and waxy with shallow lobes and superb crunchy texture. Good for processing after de-coring. Upright, frilly crunchy leaves suits pre-pack, equally suited to whole head and baby leaf production. Excellent field mildew resistance.PRODUCT SHEET
Green Oak - Sulu
A dark green, thick, crunchy cos leaf with a teardrop shape, slightly blistered and cupped. Ideal for processing and improving bag fill. Plants have a very upright habit, ideal for harvesting. Rugose, cupped dark green leaves are ideal for baby leaf production. Excellent mildew resistance. .PRODUCT SHEETGreen Romaine - Osterley