Tozer Seeds developed the world’s first commercial F1 hybrid celery varieties and now lead the world in celery varietal development. The focus of our breeding programme is very closely linked to the needs of the various international end-market requirements. We breed for yield, resistance to bolting, good flavor, field holding ability and disease resistance. Many of our newest varieties have been created specifically for the USA.
WATCH => Tozer - Celery Assessment
Hadrian is the newest darker green celery variety showing good height and excellent weight in trials in Europe and USA. During the early sowings it has shown intermediate tolerance to bolting. And in the summer is less prone to producing side shoots than other varieties. Extensive trials are continuing across Europe and the USA where it shows good resistance to…PRODUCT SHEET
Hadrian F1
Huron is a new line from Tozer. This variety is compact with good height. Huron does well on muck soils during first plantings and last plantings of the season due to its improved vigor.PRODUCT SHEETHuron F1
A main season onward hybrid celery variety which has outstanding yield and high petiole count. It has high field holding ability and shows excellent resistance to Fusarium. It is a tall variety. This means it can be cut for prepack in both the US and European markets.PRODUCT SHEETHudson F1
Slow bolting hybrid variety. It is very vigorous. It can be harvested up to two weeks in advance of other varieties sown on the same date. A good compact plant with an intense green color.PRODUCT SHEETGoodwin F1
This is our newest celery introduction for early and main season cropping to run alongside Victoria. Extensive UK trials have shown this variety to be quick to mature and gain weight early in the season and often slower to bolt than Victoria. With similar colour and texture to Victoria as well as excellent eating qualities we believe this variety will…PRODUCT SHEETNero F1
Celery Rivalry a new F1 celery from Tozer. This variety has performed well in main season onwards. Rivalry has shown excellent tolerance to race 2 Fusarium. The color is a nice medium/dark green with high yielding petiole counts. Nice and compact, Rivalry is another choice when it comes to hybrid celery.PRODUCT SHEETRivalry F1
A tall pre pack celery variety for the Northern Hemisphere which has great color throughout the petioles. Due to its uniform petioles it can be used as a pre pack and in the ‘stick’ market. This makes it a very versatile variety.PRODUCT SHEETTiberius F1
This hybrid celery has a tall, dark stick variety ideal for mid-season plantings onwards. It performs extremely well in the USA where it displays excellent fusarium resistance. It produces heavy yields with relatively smooth petioles and easily trimmed sticks. A compact tidy plant. The flavour is consistent with a typical mild celery taste. It is tall and as a result…PRODUCT SHEETTZ 6200 F1
This is the UK’s market leader for early and mid-season celery production. This variety is mid green colour, tall with fleshy petioles. This quick growing hybrid has good standing ability, is slow to bolt from early plantings and performs well under difficult spring conditions. Victoria is one of the best flavoured celery varieties available.PRODUCT SHEETVictoria F1