
Tozer were the first seed company to develop a commercial range of F1 cavolo nero varieties, the consistent superior quality of these plants has helped to significantly grow the cavolo nero market within the UK and elsewhere. In addition Tozer is developing a range of F1 green curly kale types, these are particularly suitable for bunching because of their long petioles and refined leaf shapes. Our variety have excellent yields and field performance under a range of conditions. Tozer also offers a range of brightly colored kales with fantastic leaf textures and unique eating qualities. All these new kales require only very light cooking and are well suited to modern culinary methods including stir-fry, steam and microwave.
  • Kale - Black Magic

    Cavolo Nero Black Magic
    Black Magic is an excellent OP selection of cavolo nero. It has improved winter hardiness, darker more savoyed leaves and more uniform plant habit than traditional selections. Ideal for use in baby leaf productions but also suitable for pre-pack and processing.
  • Kale Ebony F1

    Cavolo Nero Ebony TZ 7566
    Ebony F1 is our latest cavolo nero variety. It has a good upright plant shape with dark leaves which produce good yields. This variety has demonstrated good cold and bolt tolerance and is winter hardy. Like Cobra, it produces a good second growth after harvest. Ebony is a versatile variety with leaves suited for both pre-pack and processing. 
  • Kale Mamba F1

    Kale Cavolo Nero Mamba
    Mamba F1 has a very upright plant habit with uniform wide leaves, high yields and excellent vigour. It is an ideal variety to grow for processing and has improved cold and wind tolerance. Mamba has tolerance to foliar diseases and is good for second harvests.
  • Kale - Black Jack F1

    cavolo nero raven f1
    Black Jack F1 has very uniform, thin, dark and well textured leaves which are perfect for bunching and also help ensure the plant is less susceptible to wind damage compared to OP types. This plant has a neat, rosette shaped uniform plant habit which is easy to harvest.
  • Kale - Arun F1

    Kale Eden - Kale Arun - Kale TZ 6379
    Arun is the first F1 hybrid green curly kale from Tozer. Particularly suitable for bunching due to the long petiole and refined leaf shape. This variety has excellent yields and field performance under a range of conditions.
  • Kale – Red Russian

    Kale Red Russian
    Tender colourful, speciality for bunching and baby leaf. Leaves are flat with red purple / red veins, colour intensifies with the cooler temperature.