
Tozer offers a wide range of brassica seeds, from Brussels Sprouts to Cabbage to a fabulous assortment of Kale and not forgetting Kalettes
  • Mulberry F1

    Cauliflower Mulberry
    Vigorous and erect plant. Light purple round shaped curds. Good jacket. Versatile variety combining attractive color and good flavor. Maturity 85-95 days
  • Churchill F1

    Brussels Sprout Churchill F1
    A first early variety, maturing late August to October. Churchill produces good yields of tight, evenly spaced buttons with a superb flavour. Approximately 180 days to maturity .
  • Red Bull

    Brussels Sprout Red Bull
    Specialist variety producing red sprouts which improve in color after cold weather. In our opinion the best red variety available. Approximately 210 days to maturity
  • Pointed - Merlin F1

    Pointed Cabbage Tantour Merlin
    Hybrid variety for hearts production in spring and autumn, as well as greens production for spring, summer and autumn. Outer leaves are an attractive dark green with bright green inner head. Excellent pointed head shape
  • Savoy – Endurance F1

    Savoy Cabbage Endurance
    Our latest Savoy variety. It produces small to medium, blue-green, compact heads, from January to April. In trials it has been found to go into the winter small and then fills out with a good clean appearance.
  • Savoy – Providence F1

    An attractive dark blue-green mid-season Savoy with fine, deeply blistered leaves. Solid well filled, round heads of 0.7–1.2 kg are produced, with a short core and excellent eating equalities.
  • Savoy – Resolution F1

    Savoy Cabbage Resolution F1
    A mid-season Savoy cabbage for mid-October to mid-December harvesting. It's mid-green and attractive with solid round heads. Sow April to May.
  • Summer Purple

    Purple sprouting broccoli Summer Purple
    Summer Purple was bred for summer/autumn production. It crops from late June to October depending upon sowing date, season and the location. A versatile variety with large frame. It has good yields over a long cropping period.
  • Red Fire F1 TZ 5055

    Purple Sprouting Broccoli Red Fire F1
    This outstanding winter hardy variety produces uniform, erect plants. They mature from the end of January to start of March depending upon the sowing date and location. The stems are easy to pick with excellent colour and medium to large heads with 8-15cm stem diameter. It is generally best for one main pick with a follow-up secondary pick after 10…
  • Autumn Star

    TZ 0357 is the earliest of the three Kalettes® varieties, maturing from October. This variety has superb vigour and produces high yields of Kalettes® which are exceptionally easy to harvest. Remaining in good condition until at least the end of November, this variety develops a great sweet and nutty flavour as the season progresses. Approximately 180 days to maturity
  • Mistletoe F1

    TZ 0479 has exceptional maturity up the stem, this is the tallest of the three Kalettes® varieties and will produce high yields of tasty Kalettes® for the all-important Christmas period, remaining in top quality throughout the whole of November and December. Approximately 240 days to maturity .
  • Snowdrop

    Winter hardy Kalette Snowdrop
    Snowdrop is an extremely winter hardy Kalettes® variety. It has slightly shorter stems thank other varieties which are resistant to lodging in high winds. This variety matures from January to February. The Kalettes® remain in excellent condition during this challenging growing period. They have performed well in trials even in heavy snow and freezing conditions. Approximately 300 days to maturity
  • Kale - Black Magic

    Cavolo Nero Black Magic
    Black Magic is an excellent OP selection of cavolo nero. It has improved winter hardiness, darker more savoyed leaves and more uniform plant habit than traditional selections. Ideal for use in baby leaf productions but also suitable for pre-pack and processing.
  • Kale Ebony F1

    Cavolo Nero Ebony TZ 7566
    Ebony F1 is our latest cavolo nero variety. It has a good upright plant shape with dark leaves which produce good yields. This variety has demonstrated good cold and bolt tolerance and is winter hardy. Like Cobra, it produces a good second growth after harvest. Ebony is a versatile variety with leaves suited for both pre-pack and processing. 
  • Kale Mamba F1

    Kale Cavolo Nero Mamba
    Mamba F1 has a very upright plant habit with uniform wide leaves, high yields and excellent vigour. It is an ideal variety to grow for processing and has improved cold and wind tolerance. Mamba has tolerance to foliar diseases and is good for second harvests.
  • Kale - Black Jack F1

    cavolo nero raven f1
    Black Jack F1 has very uniform, thin, dark and well textured leaves which are perfect for bunching and also help ensure the plant is less susceptible to wind damage compared to OP types. This plant has a neat, rosette shaped uniform plant habit which is easy to harvest.
  • Kale - Arun F1

    Kale Eden - Kale Arun - Kale TZ 6379
    Arun is the first F1 hybrid green curly kale from Tozer. Particularly suitable for bunching due to the long petiole and refined leaf shape. This variety has excellent yields and field performance under a range of conditions.
  • Kale – Red Russian

    Kale Red Russian
    Tender colourful, speciality for bunching and baby leaf. Leaves are flat with red purple / red veins, colour intensifies with the cooler temperature.